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References & Resources

Achelpohl, M. H. (2018). Summer camp and experiential learning: A qualitative study exploring the perspectives of selected participants, living in poverty, while attending a sleepaway summer camp in northern Minnesota. (Publication No. 10978856) [Doctoral dissertation, The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska] ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.


American Camp Association. (n.d.). Anniversary timeline.


Ancestral Findings. (n.d.). The summer camps of our youths: A great American tradition.

Arnold, J.S. (1928). The educational possibilities of the summer camp program (Publication No. EP52532) [Master’s thesis, University of Southern California]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Beals, M. F. L. (1925). The educational value of summer camp. Religious Education, 20(3), 204-209. DOI: 10.1080/0034408250200309

Daily History. (n.d.). What is the history of summer camps in the United States?

Eells, E. (1986). Eleanor Eells' history of organized camping: The first 100 years. American Camp Association. (n.d.). Summer camps. 

Howell, M. (2007). Why it’s good to go to camp. Education for Wellbeing, 16-19. 
Malinowski, J. (2011, May 1). Summer camps in popular culture. Camping Magazine, American Camp Association.


Internet Archive. (2021). The Camping Magazine 1930-2015. *see specific arts and crafts-related articles in The Rise of the Artist and Camping in the Mid-Century sections of this website. 


Miller, P. S. (1936). The summer camp reënforces education. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, 10(8), 471-473, DOI: 10.1080/00098655.1936.11474175


Miller, S. A. (2001). Girls in nature/The nature of girls: Transforming female adolescence at summer camp, 1900-1939. (Publication No. 3015345) [Doctoral dissertation, the University of Pennsylvania]. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2019). Shaping summertime experiences: Opportunities to promote healthy development and well-being for children and youth. The National Academies



Ozier, L. (2012). Camp as educator: Lessons learned from history. American Camp Association.


Paris, L. (2001). The adventures of Peanut and Bo: Summer camps and early-twentieth-century American girlhood. Journal of Women's History, 12(4), 47-76.


Paris, L. (2008). Children's nature: The rise of the American summer camp. NYU Press.


Parry, J. (2015). Now and then: Summer and school camp. American Camp Association Camping Magazine.


Penny, H. (2017). “It's camp": Summer camp culture, the renegotiation of social norms and regulation of gender and sexuality. [Master’s thesis, Georgia State University].


Robertson, S. (2018, July 18). Summer camps for 1920s Harlem. Digital Harlem Blog.


Sharp, L.B. (1930). Education and the summer camp; an experiment. Teachers College Press, Columbia University.


Smith, M.B. (2002). And they say we’ll have some fun when it stops raining: A history of summer camp in America. (Publication No. 3075963) [Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.


Smith, M. B. (2006). ‘The ego ideal of the good camper’ and the nature of summer camp. Environmental History, 11(1), 70-101.'The_Ego_Ideal_of_the_Good_Camper'_and_the_Nature_of_Summer_Camp


Spensley, A. (2020). Segregated summer camps: The origins of the American summer camp. U.S. History Scene.


Thurber, C. A., Scanlin, M. M., Scheduler, L., & Henderson, K. A. (2006). Youth development outcomes of the camp experience: Evidence for multidimensional growth. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.


Welsford, A. (2018). Canoeing, campfires, and cultural appropriation: Racism against Native Americans in American summer camps 1880-2018. [Bachelor’s thesis, University of Portland, Pilot Scholars]. History Undergraduate Publications and Presentations. 21.


Worthington Coale, A. (1919). Summer in the girls' camp. The Century Company.


Yerkes, R. (2010). His story, her story, our story: 100 years of the American Camp Association. American Camp Association.

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