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Scout Handbooks & Guides

Evidence provided through scout advertisements, handbooks, and guides gives us a look into what types of activities were being promoted and encouraged in popular youth organizations. Click on the covers below to expand and read through the information related to arts and crafts activites. 






Scout Commericals

Ceramics (13:53-14:57)
at Camp Timberlane, Woodruff, WI (1983)

Woodworking (6:09) Photography (6:42) 
Ceramics (7:23)

Camp Minnehaha in West Virginia, (1980s)

Arts and Crafts (0:20)
Young People's Day Camp, NY and NJ

Crafts Shop (2:44)
Camp O-Ongo, CA

As camping moved through the 1970s to the 1990s, the articles of Camping Magazine shifted away from the previous “how-to-do” types of articles and moved towards engaging in conversations about broader, relevant world topics. A few of the themes written about include topics of diversity, particularly BIPOC and LGBTQ+ issues, camping for special populations (blind, deaf, handicapable, and other individual disabilities), health and safety standards in camp (mandated reporting, abuse, and trauma training), youth development, combating drugs and alcohol use and abuse amongst campers/staff,  sexual health and education (sexual liberation movement and AIDS Epidemic), environmental, experiential education, and global/world education. While these topics moved in, arts and crafts-related content and other program-specific articles were phased out. Below are the titles of articles found in the Camping Magazine indexes from 1970-1999 related to summer camp arts and crafts:   

You can also view the entire archived collection on The Internet Archive.   


June: Want a New Arts and Crafts Program?--Use Geometry


January: Materials for Creative Crafts


January: A Pioneer Theme Enhances Arts and Crafts



April: Bicentennial Crafts and Camp

May: Camp Weaving


March: Crafts at Camp


February: Making Art Together


May/June: Cameras in Camp


July/August: Photography Basics


July/August: Earth Art: Exploring the outdoors with nature crafts


November/December: Creater-cizes: Creativity Exercise

Fostering Creativity in Camp

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